If you are walking Te Araroa then Packgeargo is your one stop shop. As New Zealand’s leading ultralight gear shop if you need to resupply, upgrade your gear and lighten your load we are happy to help! Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We’re a small, independent, owner operated business with a carefully selected range of outdoor gear and apparel sourced from high quality brands. We stock products that we believe are functional with quality and style.
We dispatch online orders from Tuesday to Friday. If you place your order before 2pm, your order will be dispatched the same day. We use an overnight delivery service when avaliable however if the address you use is rural or in the North Island, it can take another day or two. Delays can occur that we are not responsible for around the festive period within the courier network.
New Zealand Post Poste Restante service is available if you need a location to direct and hold any parcels whilst you are walking Te Araroa. Please see a link to their page here for locations and charges. We’re always happy to send to alternative locations too.
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Holey Hiker Bidet
Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Six Moon Designs Gatewood Cape
$315.95 – $339.95
Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Kiwi Ultralight Bush Cloth
$22.50 – $25.00